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Track quotes & monitor performance

Track the performance of your quotes. Understand your customers better and improve future results. Super clean dashboard, easy to understand that gives you power to turn information into effective sales actions and more closed deals.

Quotations History

Freightalia’s intelligent dashboard and reporting features ensure you’re always aware of your company’s sales performance. Quickly and easily analyze all quotes generated by the system with beautiful graphs and reports filtered by status (booked and pending), by service (Air freight, Sea Freight LCL, Sea Freight FCL), by location (Airport, Port, Origin, Destination), by customer, by country, etc.

Clients Activity

Get a complete view of your customers, including activity history, login records to your intranet, quotes viewed, quotes saved, emails opened, emails clicked and more. You’ll get a complete picture of all your customers, from quotations requested to insights about how to engage with them for future deals.Make special offers to your customers or prepare for sales meetings with confidence.

Detailed reports

Advanced reporting options let you crunch all quoting data into simple reports and charts. Freightalia empowers you with real-time reporting, helping you to understand your customer’s preferences. Record sales numbers don’t appear overnight. They come from measuring and motivating your sales. Real-time dashboards and charts provide actionable insights for understanding and boosting performance.


Freightalia offers all the reporting tools you need to monitor and optimize your quoting efforts. From robust analytics for each customer to integrated reports for all your request, quotes, services, bookings, and more, we’ll provide the data you need to make informed decisions.

Real-Time Activity Monitoring

Freightalia real-time dashboard gives you an overview of your quoting activity at any given time.

Weekly Summary

Receive weekly summary reports directly to your email. Get a detailed overview of your sales activity and performance.

Measure Performance

Find out what’s really going on with your quotes and sales. Freightalia helps you better understand your customers and engage them.

Frequently Asked Questions


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