Top 10 Cybersecurity Tips

Cybercrime is an increasing concern among Internet users. Virtual offenders increase in numbers and skills and any of us can become their target. For this reason it is necessary to have some basic notions of cybersecurity and how to protect ourselves in our day to day from cybercrime.

  1. Get the latest updates

It seems like a trifle, but updates to our devices and operating systems can effectively protect us from cyber attacks. That’s why our first cybersecurity tip is to have up-to-date systems, as developers are in charge of finding and patching the holes through which cyber criminals get into our systems.

  1. Have a good antivirus and security system

Antivirus programs and advanced security systems are absolutely essential, especially for professional users who work with sensitive information. Just as important is to have these systems updated to have the latest solutions in cybersecurity.

  1. Set strong passwords

Passwords are the first shield we have in cybersecurity. For a password to fulfill its function must be composed of a good mix of different characters. In addition, it is advisable to change passwords periodically to avoid leaks.

  1. Pay attention to your emails

To prevent phishing, it is important to pay close attention to the addresses of the mails that we receive and to be sure that they are authentic. Of course, never provide personal data or passwords through email. You should also be careful with attachments and links of unknown origin, as they are often contain viruses.

  1. Navigate only through secure networks

We can be almost sure that the network of our house or our office is a private and secure network. But this is not the case when traveling, connecting from a coffee shop or using open networks in different places. To avoid gaps in our cybersecurity, we should only navigate on networks that we know are safe.

  1. Be careful on social networks

When we talk about cybersecurity we often omit social networks because they seem to be safe places. But here too there may be cybercriminals who watch over their next victim. For this reason it is important not to share personal data or specific details about us or our location.

  1. Others’ devices may also contain malware

When we talk about cybersecurity all precautions are few. That’s why it’s also important to know who we connect with at any time. Data transfer between devices via WiFi, Bluetooth and other technologies can also be a source of infection for our devices.

  1. Keep an eye on your devices

Sometimes we may not realize it, but having a digital attack can be very easy, especially if we are not careful who our devices are. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to our laptop, mobile phone, or tablet, because if someone accesses them they can see and copy our data quite simply.

  1. Make backups

It can happen that we may not be able to prevent the attack on our device or system. In this case, cybersecurity experts recommend having up-to-date copies of our data stored in secure locations to recover what we have lost.

  1. Cybersecurity is all about the precaution

At the end of the day the most useful tip of cybersecurity is to be alert to any danger. If we want to avoid attacks on our devices, data or people, we must always observe what happens around us and act with great caution.